Carlos Baño León
arlos Baño León, Lawyers in Alicante, with more than 40 years in active, based in the city of Alicante, fifth province in the national ranking, in terms of GDP and with a very important weight in real estate, tourism and commercial activities, develops its activity standing out in real estate and services sectors, not only in the framework of cross-border relations but also in the strictly national area.
To say Alicante, that is to say Benidorm, La Nucia, Torrevieja, Rojales, Orihuela, Calpe, Altea, Denia, etcetera, very near all these localities of Alicante and in which this law firm of Alicante, Carlos Baño León, develop their activity given the proximity.
Due to the great importance of tourism, construction and service sectors, driving force of Alicante’s economy, for many years the law firm of Carlos Baño León also works in with clients of different nationalities who are interested in investing in Spain, often in the real estate sector.
This contact with the international stage makes Alicante Lawyers Carlos Baño León an office requested when drafting contracts of international nature very frequent in the province of Alicante, not only because of the tourist importance of the province but also because of the importance of existing services in the province, which leads to a significant volume of cross-border business.
Our activity as real estate lawyers is remarkable and a good example of this can be found in the pages of this website, where our judicial and extrajudicial activity in matters of real estate law.
The result of our work is the experience we offer to our clients, especially in real estate and debt claims, contractual and criminal claims, without forgetting the important specialty in International Law and Commercial Law.
Alicante Lawyers of Carlos Baño León, is a law firm and member of the prestigious international association World Jurist Association.
Check what we say about our numerous articles, the result of many days of work and a very important judicial activity.
Don’t lose sight of the rest of Carlos Baño León’s specialties, lawyers of Alicante, highlighting Civil Law, Criminal Law, Commercial and International Law.
We are convinced that we can help you in the best economic and professional conditions.
Why trust Carlos Baño León Law Firm in Alicante?
Carlos Baño León Law Firm has been practicing law for 36 years in Alicante and also throughout Spain where our professionals work.
Without any shame or false modesty we say that if you hire our services you will be satisfied although it must be recognized that this in the field of justice provided by the Courts and Tribunals is not often shared.
It is clear that to go to the Justice that the Courts and Tribunals impart is to go with the intention of obtaining a result always beneficial that sometimes is not obtained.
Law is not an exact science, but it is possible to demand of the professional to whom you resort a minimum of requirements, such as seriousness, professionalism, honesty, sincerity and of course a commitment of confidentiality with the personal data or with the information of the client.
And here we do bet high on our customers.
What makes Carlos Baño Leon Lawyers in Alicante different?
The full dedication and all of those who are part of this law firm in Alicante is not only credited by our extensive working hours from 8 to 19 h from Monday to Friday but by the chat on our page where every day we try to give solutions to raising doubts and through which we guide the client previously to treat their case in more detail with the office.
The treatment in the four languages of this office (Spanish, English, German and Dutch) that our staff provides guarantees the continuous customer support without any problem as it is frequently the case with languages.
The use of these languages facilitates the almost instant translation of the documentation that is delivered to us and not only is that the clients orally or in writing communicates without problem in their language but we always translate all their documentation even to go to the Courts and Tribunals which greatly reduces the cost for our clients.
Before the client can decide what to do, we always issue a report to our clients free of charge, so that we expressly deal with their case in writing and give them our advice and opinion at no cost, which greatly facilitates the clients make their decision by their own will.
You will find always in our lawyers willing to go wherever you have your problem since we understand that it is often essential for the proposal of a legal claim to go there, to the scene of the events, because it provides a clear understanding of the case, and this happens with claims that are connected to a physical reality of a real estate, land or any property.
We normally meet with clients and whenever it is possible, because we also like to be known personally and don’t have the slightest inconvenience to go where the client needs.
We attend the client as many times as he comes to our office and we attend without any delay their mail and phone calls.
We try to keep the clients up to date with their case, for which we commit to follow up constantly their case in court.
What do you hire when you contact Carlos Baño León Lawyers in Alicante?
In the exercise of our professional activity our work is inspired by the principles, rights and obligations established by our ethical rules.
The owner of the office, Mr. Carlos Baño León, lawyer of Alicante, belongs to the Illustrious Colegio de Abogados of Alicante (‘Bar Association’ in the province) since 1982.
We assume the ideology of the Declaration of Human Rights and of the World Jurist Association, among others, apart from the Ethical Rules in force in Spain and that govern our professional performance, trying in the exercise of our activity that the truth and honesty prevail and that it is not only the defense of the rights and interests of our clients our only goal and objective.
What will I be charged for services?
Carlos Baño León Lawyers of Alicante has a policy of very affordable prices where we try to asses to the maximum a price that is ideally close to the importance of the case and its complexity and amount with the personal economic circumstances of the client.
We make detailed, adjusted and closed budgets, for our services and what is very important, we facilitate the payment on the part of the client.
You do not have to worry if you are not in Alicante and if your case corresponds to a Court in a different city or province in Spain, since it will never vary our prices.
Sometimes we are asked if the fact of not being in the same city of the client would suppose somehow or other way, either clearly or in a concealed form, an increase of the prices to which we always respond in the same way.
There are never differences. Carlos Baño Leon Lawyers in Alicante always charge the same price for all the country.
It is well known that the Guiding Rules Fees that have regulated the lawyers’ fees policy in Spain for so many years are no longer in force.
Nowadays, the legal profession is not a different case from the rest of the free professional activities that lack rules regulating fees because free competition is in force in the market and always for the benefit of the consumer, hence that in this matter the contractual freedom of fee agreement governs.
Carlos Baño Leon law firm always will pass you a previous budget with very great prices and a high quality in the provision of its services.

Call us now without any obligation